
Whistleblower system

Whistleblower system for reporting compliance violations

General information

The bestore whistleblower system for reporting compliance violations is available to all employees of the bestore Group (e.g. agriKomp GmbH, ServiceUnion GmbH, all ServiceUnion locations, Formprotect GmbH, etc.) as well as external third parties (e.g. suppliers) to report violations of laws or other relevant compliance violations relating to the bestore Group.

The principle applies that employees must not suffer any disadvantages as a result of submitting a report in a professional context. . In order to enable your report to be processed in a targeted manner, the reporting centre will involve other departments as required for clarification.

It is also possible, for example, to report breaches of regulations to the federal reporting office or the reporting offices of the federal states, but we would ask you to report them directly to our reporting office as a matter of priority.

You can contact our reporting center via the following e-mail address:

After submitting a report, you will receive confirmation within 7 days that your report has been received and is being processed.

For general complaints, e.g. about products or services, please use the general contact address or the customer hotline.


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** Charges depend on your tariff for landline calls within Germany

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