CHP Products

We make you fit for the future

In addition to our services in the CHP sector, we only provide you with high-quality products in cooperation with our partners in order to maintain and optimize your operation at all times. We rely on new, efficient technologies that are always in line with current trends: From monitoring and controlling operation with the akCockpit web application to the entire engine replacement process.

Optimization of your CHP

The pace of innovation in the field of renewable energies has been increasing enormously in recent years. In the CHP sector in particular, innovations that were cutting-edge yesterday will be outdated tomorrow. We offer you innovative modernization and optimization measures so that you don’t remain at yesterday’s level. Because one thing is certain: with every measure and the associated use of modern technology, you increase the efficiency and safety of your system.

Engine overhaul

When reconditioning your old engine, we take care of the entire process for you, from removing the old unit to reinstalling the reconditioned engine. To do this, the engine is first completely dismantled, cleaned and inspected. Thanks to our partners, we can reuse many of the “old” parts, which saves you money.

Exchange motors in stock!

We also offer a wide range of Scania, Doosan, SISU, MAN and Liebherr replacement engines so that we can act quickly both in acute emergencies and for planned overhauls.

  • SCANIA Engine DC09 PDE
  • SCANIA Engine DC09 Gas (Fuselage engine)
  • SCANIA Engine DC12 PDE
  • SCANIA Engine DC12 CR (Fuselage engine)
  • SCANIA Engine DC16 PDE
  • SCANIA Engine DC13 PDE
  • SCANIA Engine DC13 Gas
  • SCANIA Engine DC13eta
  • DOOSAN Engine BGA086
  • DOOSAN Engine BGA126
  • DOOSAN Engine BGA158 (4V)
  • DOOSAN Engine BGA180 (2V)
  • DOOSAN Engine BGA222 (2V)
  • Conversion BGA222 (2V to 4V)
  • SISU Engine 7,4l (6R12.1B/CR)
  • SISU Engine 4,9l (4R12.1B/CR)
  • MAN Engine E3262 LE212
  • LIEBHERR Engine L12V21


Direct marketing and balancing energy are keywords of great importance in the biogas plant sector. The specially developed energy pilot forms the interface between the virtual power plant from energy2market (e2m) and the CHP plant. It can be used to bundle, monitor and control the output and flexibility of the plants.

Monitoring & control

The monitoring and control of CHP units has become increasingly important in recent years. Regular inspections and reports are therefore increasingly required by the authorities. With the help of our smart tools, these can be created in just a few clicks and analyzed and prepared accordingly. For you, this means
Having all data available as required in the shortest possible time.

Die 44. BImSchV fordert erstmalig im Jahr 2021 eine kontinuierliche Überwachung der NOx-Emissionen. Um Ihnen eine Lösung zur kontinuierlichen Ermittlung und Speicherung der NOx-Tagesmittel­werte liefern zu können, bieten wir Ihnen einen NOxLog, der mit vielen Vorteilen punkten kann:

  • Speicherung der NOx-Werte gemäß 44. BImSchV
  • Für bis zu 6 BHKW einsetzbar
  • Weiterverwendung bereits vorhandener Sonden möglich
  • Einfache Bedienung per PC, Tablet oder Handy
  • Direkte Anbindung ans akCockpit
  • Der NOxLog kann BHKW-herstellerunabhängig eingesetzt werden
  • Leistungsfähige Industrie CPU
Pola NOx-Log

Zur Einhaltung des NOx-Grenzwertes der 44.BImSchV mit 0,1 g/m3 ist in der Regel der Einsatz eines SCR-Systems erforderlich. Wir bieten Ihnen SCR-Systeme für Aggregate bis 530 kW, individuell auf Ihre Bedürfnisse vor Ort abgestimmt.


Die Webanwendung akCockpit ist die Komplettlösung für die Überwachung und Steuerung von Biogasanlagen. Sämtliche Anlagen- und BHKW-Daten können hierüber analysiert werden. Durch detaillierte Statusanzeigen haben Sie eine Gesamtübersicht auf nur einen Blick. Der Zugriff zu akCockpit erfolgt dabei geräteunabhängig (PC, Tablet oder Smartphone) per Webbrowser.

Hierüber können Sie auch Ihre NOx-Emissionen visualisieren und analysieren und so direkt an Ihre Behörde weiterleiten. Zusätzlich verpassen Sie durch ein integriertes Anlagenbuch keine Aufgabe mehr. Je nach Intervall erhalten Sie eine Mitteilung was heute noch zu erledigen ist, um einen optimalen Betrieb Ihrer Anlage sicherzustellen. 

Das neue akGateway dient zur Fernsteuerung der BHKW über das akCockpit und gilt als Schnittstelle zwischen Ihren Geräten und dem akCockpit. Damit können Sie Ihre Geräte bequem von zu Hause aus steuern, überwachen und analysieren. Durch eine sogenannten „Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung“ sind die Daten besonders sicher und somit vor Fremdzugriffen bestens geschützt.

Pola akCockpit BHKW

Continuous measurements of the CH4, CO2, O2 and H2S content are of great importance for a well-functioning system. We have a product in our portfolio that can measure all these parameters. A display on the gas analyzer shows you all the parameters at all times, giving you a good overview of what is happening in your system.

Our advantages at a glance:

  • Long-term stable sensors
  • Internal measurement data recording for subsequent evaluation of the measurement data
  • Simple operation via touch panel
  • Up to 4 measuring points available
  • Automatic fresh air purge

Cleaning the exhaust gas heat exchanger

Depending on the gas quality, deposits can build up more or less quickly on exhaust gas heat exchangers when operating a CHP unit. Particularly in conjunction with hydrogen sulphide, this results in heavy fouling, which makes optimum operation more difficult. Due to the deposits, the exhaust gas heat exchanger can no longer be flown through as it was at the beginning. This implies an increase in the flue gas back pressure, an important parameter when operating a CHP unit. A rising exhaust gas outlet temperature can also be an indication of an exhaust gas heat exchanger clogged with deposits. Regular inspection and cleaning of the flue gas heat exchanger is therefore essential to ensure optimum operation.

We offer you exhaust gas heat exchanger cleaning at short notice and without complications. You benefit from short downtimes, as we can usually clean your flue gas heat exchanger while it is still installed



Questions? Then contact us!

Technical Support

Free** telephone support whenever you need it! Monday to Friday: 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays: 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM
** Charges depend on your tariff for landline calls within Germany

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Fragen? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns!

Technical Support

Free** telephone support whenever you need it! Monday to Friday: 07:00 AM to 09:00 PM Saturday, Sunday and on public holidays: 10:00 AM to 07:00 PM
** Charges depend on your tariff for landline calls within Germany

Your message to us

* Required field